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  • #1408114
    Fabrice Lange


    I’ve bought a version of Enfold 3 years ago. I would like to update my current version (Your current Parent Theme (Enfold) Version Number is 4.7.5).

    I had lost my Item Purchase code so I’ve deciided to buy a new licence.

    Is it necessary that I uninstall my current version ? I thought I could only add somewhere a Item Purchase code ?


    Hey Fabrice,

    You don’t need to uninstall your current version, but you will have to follow this in order to receive updates:

    If the updates should now come through via the theme backend, then please try this plugin:

    If you can’t find your purchase code, then please refer to this:

    Best regards,



    Thank you for tour quick reply.
    I’ve just create and install the private token.

    here is the result. How to know of the last version is installed ?

    We checked the token on 2023/05/25 08:10 and we were able to connect to Envato and could access the following information:

    Your purchases
    Your username: fabricela
    Your E-Mail: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    If you ever edit the restrictions of your personal token please re-vailidate it again to test if it works properly
    Theme Updates
    Once you have entered and verified your Envato Personal Token Key WordPress will check for updates every 12 Hours and notify you here, if one is available

    Your current Parent Theme (Enfold) Version Number is 4.7.5
    Your PHP version: 7.4.33



    I think there is confusion between the Private token and the Item Purchase code.
    First I’ve forgotten to inform you that that I’ve dowloaded and installet you plugin.
    A token is requested on the activation page.
    I ‘ve tried to put my private token it doesn’t work.

    The result (I’v given all the permissions before) :

    Incorrect token permissions, please generate another token or fix the permissions on the existing token.

    Please ensure only the following permissions are enabled:

    View and search Envato sites
    Download your purchased items
    List purchases you’ve made
    Dismiss this notice.
    Additional Error Details:
    Found too many permissions on token..

    And same think for the Item Purchase code :

    The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. Please check that the Token has been entered correctly and has the minimum required permissions.
    Dismiss this notice.
    Additional Error Details:
    Failed to query total number of items in API response.



    Please refer to this on how to create a token:

    You can check the current theme version here:

    Best regards,

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