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  • #685428

    Our site loads fine on computer browsers but not on smartphones.
    The image on the page is less than 1Mb.
    The themes are all updated and I have emptied the cache numerous times.


    the image on the page is less than 1MB

    here you go – i don’t see your site link (if there is one on private area) but 1MB jpg is for a web image gigantic.
    i use for fullwidth sliders or fullscreensliders images which are not bigger than 350kb ! if they had to be on good quality. The most of those fullwidth slider images are on my installations 250KB.
    You will be astonished that most of all images with high compression level are nearly the same quality on web as jpgs with less compression.

    Only images with big contrast edges need a bit more space

    btw: gprs, edge, umts, lte etc. what do you use for that ?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    I put a link in the private area.

    In have reduced the images to all under 200k and I am still having trouble. I have added the URL again into the private area.

    On my mobile the menu is all messed up.


    sorry i can’t see this – i’m a participant too. so you have to wait till mods came here and help you



    What model of iphone are you using? It might be hardware related, I see very big differences in general load times comparing iphone 4 and 6 for instance.


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