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  • #747665
    Wendy Loftin


    I am contacting you regarding the Enfold support we purchased. We have not received any resolution to the first inquiry sent in December and no response at all to the second inquiry sent on February 13, 2017.

    Several of the Blog features are simply not working (featured image not showing in posts, social sharing not showing, breadcrumbs not working, etc.). We need to launch our Blog immediately as it has now been delayed by 2 months now – we are a federally regulated organization and have mandates we must meet. We don’t want to leave negative feedback for the theme, but so far our experience has been that many of its features do not work properly and that paid support is inadequate, bordering on fraudulent.

    Please contact me asap regarding these matters. Thank you,
    Wendy Loftin
    Webmaster for


    Hi Wendy Loftin!

    Can you please let us know with what username you purchases, so we can dig for your replies?
    Thanks a lot



    This is also an issue with the support we purchased – the login did not work previously and I had to contact you to even be able to login and create a support ticket – I was worried that this would be an ongoing issue.

    I entered Envato login credentials for proof of purchase. Enfold support was purchased on December 23, 2017 – order number 48385524 – invoice number IVIP14863995



    Replied you here –
    Let us continue there :)

    Best regards,

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