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  • #1373133

    My Client’s Enfold Site does not load on the front end once WP and PHP were updated to
    6.1.1 and 7.4

    The site works with any other theme but Enfold.

    A fresh Enfold and child theme was brought in, but the issue still remains.
    Plugins deactivated.
    Sent to my developers … they concur that it is something with the theme.

    Please check.


    Hey Kathleen,
    Thanks for the login, try to disable your Must-use & Drop-ins plugins, this will need to be done from the server settings, you may need to ask the webhost to help:
    these plugins are related to your server cache system, and since the pages don’t load with no errors, in fact they don’t stop trying to load, there seems to be a conflict in the srever cache.
    Also check your server logs.
    My test site uses WP 6.1.1 and PHP 7.4 with no errors, and also WP 6.1.1 and PHP 8.0 with no errors so I don’t think this is related to the theme solely, I think if you could clear the server cache and temporarily disable those plugins it would help.

    Best regards,


    Where can I get a new theme version? Themeforest does not give me a fresh download!!!


    You should be able to login to your Theme Forest account and download the latest version there.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike … so the site is still down.

    I have been on the phone for hours with GoDaddy and I have spent money on my developers. They all say there is an issue with the theme.

    Your team says it is hosting. Can you please double check?

    Thank you!


    Sorry to hear you are having this trouble, I’m not sure why you are having this trouble because Enfold typically works fine with WP 6.1.1 and PHP 7.4, I have tested this and WP 6.1.1 and PHP 8.0 with no errors.
    I tried to clone your site to my test server and pushing the database seemed to work well because the backend was the same but the front end would not load and it gave no errors, so it makes me think that there is an error in the database, but I don’t know. What was the last working versions for this site?
    I see that you have woocommerce pages created but there is no woocommerce plugin, were you going to have it in the future?
    I see you have no posts and only 9 pages if you don’t count the woocommerce pages, so it seems that it would be easy enough to copy these to a fresh WP install.
    If this is correct I could help you do this to get your site back up and running, if you would like to try this, please check the SFTP password, as it didn’t work for me.
    Then create a new WP install in a new sub-directory on your domain and post an admin login and ensure the SFTP will also connect to this sub-directory and I will copy your pages over to the new install. Then after you review that the new install is working you can delete the old WP install and direct the domain to the new sub-directory.
    If it’s only 9 pages it should only take an hour to do this.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thank you for updating the sftp login, I was able to login.
    Can you create a second WordPress install in a sub-directory for me to copy your site over to.
    I will copy your 9 pages over to the new install. (none of the woocommerce pages)
    Then after you review that the new install is working you can delete the old WP install and direct the site to the new sub-directory.
    Does this make sense?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I manually copied your site to my test server and have linked to it below with a login for you, please review it.
    If you are happy with it then we can install it on your server, have you ever used the Duplicator plugin?
    I think this would be the easiest way to move it, you just need a cPanel so you can create the new database.
    If you have not used it before can you give me access to your cPanel?

    BTW, I noticed that a few major theme options were missing from your site, so I believe your database is corrupt and that is why it is crashing and you couldn’t create a staging site from it.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, is your host a managed one that limits your cPanel options?
    Most hosts give you unlimited databases. Anyways hopefully it will work.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Yes, this hosting does not give access to cPanel.

    All worked out great. Site is up and running without mishap.

    Thank you! You have been a real help to me. I would not have been able to get this site up and running without your kind assistance.

    All the best, Kathleen



    Great, I’m glad that Mike could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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