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  • #1158284


    I’m new to this, so I might be doing something wrong. I’m editing the single product page and all of the elements are showing perfectly, apart from “Product Info Tab”. No product is showing on the page at all. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but the product itself is just not showing. Product grid and product slider are showing. Could you help me please?

    Kind Regards


    Hey mickvangrand84,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Yes, of course! Thank you!


    Hi mickvangrand84, When a product is built using the Advanced Layout Builder you need to add all the elements manually, like this one on the image.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria,

    I have done that, but the product is not showing up. If you go on the product page back end, you will see that ‘product info tab’ is inserted, but the product itself is not showing up on the page. Could you help me with this please?

    Kind regards


    Hi mickvangrand84,

    Here are the docs for you:


    Best regards,


    Thank you,

    It says this

    “So if you want to build a fancy shop overview with the advanced layout editor you got 2 options:

    The easier option is to simply create a new Page and add a “Product Grid” template builder element, along with all the other stuff you want to show and simply don’t use the default shop page at all. This should be sufficient in most cases.”

    I have done this, but the product is not showing up at all. What can I do in order for the product to show on the page?

    Kind regards


    Hi Mick,

    You have no info added in the product description tabs at the bottom of the page and so the product tabs have nothing to show.

    Best regards,

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