I have been trying to split a section into 5 parts.
This is ok if I want 5 individual 1 fifth columns.
What I have been trying to do is have a 1 fifth column to the left and a 1 fifth column to the right with a 3 fifths column in the centre. The total makes 5 fifths but you can’t make a 3 fifths column
When you expand a 1 fifth column it goes to 1 quarter, 1 3rd, 1 half instead of expanding to 2 fifths, 3 fifths, 4 fifths etc
You can do 2 single quarter columns and a 1 half column but not 2 single 1 fifth columns and a single 3 fifths column.
Am I right or am I doing something wrong?
The reason I am trying to break the section into 5 is because the left and right single 1 fifth columns have slim portfolio images in them. They are to slim for quarter columns. You can’t fit a 2 3rds column in the middle and the 1 half column is not wide enough. To much space between the content where as a 3 fifths column would have fit perfect
Is there a way to achieve this or do I have to make my images square and use 2 quarter columns left and right and a centre 1 half column
Thanks for your help
Kindest regards
Ignore this
I have seen on the sections page that what I needed is not there.
Would be good for a future update as it helps to get content closer to each other when you don’t want to much padding