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  • #189715

    Hi, can you help me please. Where i can find those words in code – “Follow on Twitter” (it in Enfold RSS Link and Twitter Account widget). I want to translate it to my language. Thank you!
    in .Po file i didn´t find it.


    Hi sacden!

    You can locate that on framework > php > class-framework-widgets.php, find the code on line 600:

    $output .= "<a href='$link' class='asc_twitter $addClass'>{$before}<strong class='asc_count'>".__('Follow','avia_framework')."</strong><span>".__('on Twitter','avia_framework')."</span></a>";

    You can use Codestyling Localization plugin to translate the strings.



    Thank you so much Ismael!

    I use WPML plugin. Codestyling Localization is the same plugin? Is it better than WPML? and is it in enfold themes or i need to download it separetely?
    Thanks a lot fot a quick and quality support!



    No, Codestyling just helps you to translate the language files (po and mo files) but it does not allow you to create a translated version of your website. Codestyling just replaces some parts of the “String Translation” feature of WPML when it comes to the po/mo translation. Nevertheless I think the user interface of Codestyling is more intuitive when it comes to po/mo file translations and I recommend to use it instead of the WPML po/mo file translation. You need to download the plugin here:

    Best regards,


    Thank you! I ll try it!
    Have a nice day!

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