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  • #1383222

    Hello, I have a client that has to enfold, bought from ThemeForest. We can get the purchase code as this person is no longer employed. We are having two issues with the website.

    1. the mobile menu is missing one item in the sub. It appears everywhere in the options it should yet not display on mobile.

    2. the other is our forms do not work on mobile with contact. is that a known issue?

    How can I get help for these two issues?


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for contacting us!
    Please register the account using the purchase code.
    You can register here:

    #1 We will need a link to your site to check it.

    #2 It is not a known issue but it maybe due to an outdated version of the theme or plugins

    Best regards,


    The issue is all I have nowadays is the old employee ThemeForest name and API. Is there a way to register without the purchase code?


    Hi Mike,

    Unfortunately, that’s not possible because the purchase code is a requirement for our registration process, and our only way to verify with ThemeForest that the account still has item support for Enfold.

    Best regards,


    Can I purchase support for it, that might be easier?


    Hi Mike,

    You can only purchase item support if you have purchased the item first, if your ThemeForest account has purchased Enfold then you can purchase only the item support but if not then you’ll have to purchase the item first. Please try to ask Envato/themeforest support what you are asking is possible though since they are the ones who are in-charge and we just comply to them.

    Best regards,


    Ok. If I buy a license, can I just use it towards that install and get tech support?


    Hi Mike,

    Yes and you will be able to update the theme to the latest version since APIs don’t work anymore for theme updates.

    Best regards,

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