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  • #398250

    I have a plugin named Canvasio3D, it allows me to show a 3D object using WebGL and Canvas, the problem is when Enfold is active the canvas resolution is too low and the 3D object shows pixeled (extremely low res), if I want to see the object with full resolution I have to resize the browser window, then the canvas like redraw itself again with the right resolution and the object is shown correctly.

    If I use other theme, this problem do not happen.

    can you help me with this?

    this is the only issue I’ve found so far!


    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by sal0m0n.

    Please anyone?
    here you can see the problem




    I’m guessing it’s the 3d object under width=”300″ height=”300″? Looks pretty sharp to me? Is the problem that you want it larger?



    hello, the object should be width=”300″ height=”300″,

    but instead when the page loads, it is forced to width=”50″ height=”50″ (and looks sharp), before I posted the question, I’ve tried to add this

    .canvasio3D {
    height: 300px !important; 
    width: 300px !important;
    margin-left: auto ;
      margin-right: auto ;
    canvas {
      width: 100%    !important;
      height: auto   !important;

    to my custom css, and then it draws it 300×300 but pixeled, as I stated before, but in any case, if you resize your browser window after it loads, the canvas get the correct size and then redraws well, the problem is only with enfold, if I activate another theme, the canvas is 300×300 from the begining and a very sharp object drawn.


    here you can browse the same page, but with the default wordpress theme (Twenty Fifteen)

    you can see how the canvas is the right size and resolution from the begining.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by sal0m0n. Reason: Bad link


    What happens when you create a new page and switch to the text editor (not visual) and paste the code there? Does it display 300 x 300?

    Best regards,


    Did you resized your window after the page loaded?? it “magically” grows to 300×300 after that! (this happens only with Enfold)

    in this example made with TEXT mode, I’ve put 4 different object sizes, 30×30, 100×100, 200×200, and 300×300.

    it is curious that ONLY the object 30×30 has the correct size when the page load, any object bigger than 50×50, will appear 50×50 when the page load, after that if you RESIZE your browser window (activate firebug, move the window to another monitor, etc) or do anything that triger a redraw to the canvas, all canvas will get the correct size, but only after that.




    I think I found the code that makes this behavior

    file woocommerce-mod.css lines 887 to 891

    #top div.product .woocommerce-tabs {
    clear: both;
    padding: 50px 0 0 0;
    margin: 0 0 30px 0;

    the padding: 50px 0 0 0; one, if I modify this line to padding: 51px 0 0 0;, then the canvas initial size is 51×51, if I change it to padding: 100% 0 0 0; it seems to solve the drawing problem and the canvas draws itself with the right size, but it adds a lot of space from the title of the product and the product description (woocommerce-tabs). So I think my object is being affected by this style, how can I avoid it?

    any sugestion?


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by sal0m0n. Reason: more specific info


    What happens if you set the values to 0?



    If you meant putting 0px or 0% in the “woocommerce-mod” CSS file, line 889, It dissapear all the content, the canvas is set to 0x0 (in the image you can see what firebug shows), but you can see that the data parameter of the DIV is 300×300 (this is the 3D object desired size).

    Padding 0

    if I put 0 in the size of the 3D object, leaving the CSS file unchanged, it tries to have the default value 220×220, but the canvas will have 50×50 (or watever value the CSS file have) when the page load, and it will behave the same, if you resize the windows it grows to the final value (in this case 220×220).

    best regards



    I’m sorry but you’ll have to report this problem to the plugin author. Anyway, if you can provide us with a temporary login details, we would like to check it. Maybe, we can find a way to delay the appearance of the 3d object while the page is loading.



    Hello, Im sorry I haven’t seen your request before, what kind of access do you need? Just as WP admin or FTP access?




    WordPress admin would be great if possible, you can post the details here as a private reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I tried to add a custom auto resize function inside the child theme’s functions.php file, unfortunately, it’s not working. I think the best thing to do is to contact the plugin author.



    Did you checked what I said about the woocommerce-mod.css file, lines 887 to 891?

    Other thing I’ve figured out is that if I put the 3D object in the Short description (instead where it it right now), it displays with the right size from the begining (Of course I want my 3D objects at the bottom of my description).

    I still Believe there is something your CCS that is affecting this object, don’t you think so?



    It looks like the plugin scripts are breaking the site until it downloads all of the images which takes around 15 seconds on my end. I’m also seeing a bunch of 404s saying “.mtl object not found”. I didn’t see any CSS issues, the elements are set to 50×50. It’s most likely the script is supposed to set their size dynamically but it’s having trouble for some reason.

    I would try contacting the plugin authors about this to see what they say. Let us know of the results.

    Best regards,

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