Hi guys,
I have started creating portfolio items across a number of categories.
I have a portfolio grid page, where I want all of the items to show in a sortable manner – like in your demo – so when a category is selected, the thumbnails are animated and shift around to only display items from that category.
My problem is that only one of the items is currently showing on the portfolio grid page. Please help?
I currently have 3 items set up.
(I have the maintenance mode on, so please let me know if you’d like the admin details, and how I can get them to you privately)
Hello cannonballb!
Hi you can post it here privately. Please make sure to check ” Set as private reply (Only you and moderators will see the content of this post)” above Submit button
There is a problem with the plugin “Visual Form Builder”. I deactivated it then the Artists page started to work properly. http://www.realwiredmusic.com/artists/
Best regards,
Awesome thank you!
Is there a reason why some of the portfolio grid images are bigger (longer) than the others? Do I have to upload featured images of a specific size, or will they be automatically sized on upload?
Appreciate the help :)
The images get re-sized in proportion to the original image size. So if you want them all to be the same then you should upload images with the same proportion or the same exact size.