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  • #506256


    after the last theme update the css (header is the sidebar), does not apply the “mobile” view for the ipad portait or landscape mode.
    this is a huge problem for us, because we customized and optimized a lot the css layout for these devices.

    now everything is squeezed and the user can not read the content.
    please let me know how we can apply the “old breakpoints” for mobile devices.

    thank you


    Hey steffard,

    I don’t think any break points have been changed in any updates lately, maybe you hade some CSS in the parent theme which were overwritten on the update? I’m not sure exactly what the site should look like, do you have any screenshot you can post? We might need an admin login to have a closer look as well, you can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    the customized css was / is still in the childtheme CSS. I did not change the CSS of the parent theme.

    the header sidebar should disappear (and become a advanced_menu_toggle) in the ipad portrait / landscape view and the main content should get a 100% width.

    Kind regards



    Try to add this in the Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    p.lgs, .sdinfo { display: none; }



    Hello Ismael,

    this has no effect on the view. The problem is that the theme does not apply the mobile menu view on ipad devices any more if the header is in the sidebar. You can also check it on your demo theme “Enfold Photography Portfolio”. After the update the mobile menu disappears for the ipads :-S

    Kind regards


    Hi Stefan,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    nav.main_menu {display:none !important;}
    #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {display:block !important; }



    hello rikard,

    this does not work, because it is obviously not enough. the header needs to disappear and the main content needs to get fullwidth.
    these few lines offer no solution.

    please find out the media queries before the update. there have to be a lot of changes after the update because the whole layout changed (again: also as I mentioned before, the layout also changed for your theme demo “Enfold Photography Portfolio”).

    I am very good in css and customization, but your advices focus on the wrong point of view…


    hey guys,

    we need support! the website looks still terrible and the users can’t use the website like they should. it is a big point for us to find a solution!

    best stefan



    Please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so we can look into it.



    hi yigit,

    please check the private content for the login data.

    best stefan



    I have added custom CSS code to bottom of Style.css file. Please review your website now



    hello yigit,

    this looks better now. I will do the rest of the styles by myself, thanks!

    best stefan

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