I’m building a website with enfold and I’m using the partner/logo element as a menu for the courses offered, but I would like the partner/logo element tool tip to show always visible below the logo image (as H3 if possible) and also the tool tip to have the same link applied to the logo image to be in the tool tip. Could you guys please help me in how to customize it
Many thanks
Hi chanleo!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > logoslider.php, look for this code:
$output .= "<div {$single_data} class='slide-entry flex_column no_margin {$post_class} {$grid} {$extraClass} {$thumb_class}'>";
$output .= !empty($link) ? "<a href='{$link}' data-rel='slide-".avia_partner_logo::$slider."' class='slide-image' title='{$linktitle}' {$blank} >{$img}</a>" : $img;
Replace it with:
$output .= "<div class='slide-entry flex_column no_margin {$post_class} {$grid} {$extraClass} {$thumb_class}'>";
$output .= !empty($link) ? "<a href='{$link}' data-rel='slide-".avia_partner_logo::$slider."' class='slide-image' title='{$linktitle}' {$blank} >{$img}</a>" : $img;
$output .= "<div class='custom-tooltip'>{$hover}</div>";
Please create a change log of this modifications in case you update the theme.
Best regards,
Hey Ismael
Worked like a charm, many thanks once more :)