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  • #979286

    Enfold is overriding some of the settings you can do in the Events Calendar Pro:
    The choice for default stylesheet are missing:

    • tribe events styles
    • Full Styles
    • Skeleton styles
    • Right now there is a lot of CSS from trive-events in the events.
      Is there a way to reset them? So more of Enfold styles will be followed?

      Thanks in advance,


    Hey Ariane,

    Yes, that’s correct. Enfold removes these 3 styles because Enfold integrates its design to the Events Calendar.
    If you want to remove this integration and use the defaults of Events Calendar Pro, you can go to functions.php (line 605) and remove this code:

    require_once( 'config-events-calendar/config.php' );

    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thing is, Enfold is not overiding a lot of Events Calendar Design, such as very small font-sizes and things. It look like the override is not working wel.
    But since the answer took quit long I did all my changes with CSS and !important already.

    I believe it’s a good thing that Enfold wants to integrate it’s style to plugins but then it should work and not half like with Events Calendar.



    Hi Ariane,

    Glad that you have managed to adjust the style for the Events Calendar.
    I’m not sure what you meant with Enfold only partially working with Events Calendar, can you elaborate on it more? or give us some screenshot, maybe we can report it if it’s a bug in the theme.
    We do have a demo where we used the Events Calendar: and it doesn’t seem to have any issues.

    Best regards,


    Chiming in here – As listed in the initial post, all of Modern Tribe’s solutions for fixing the Enfold bugs have to do with the style sheet selector in Events > Settings > Display. But in Enfold, this selector is not visible. We should be able to choose from the following:
    • tribe events styles
    • Full Styles
    • Skeleton styles

    But the selector is not visible in the admin of Enfold.

    Can you confirm that your demo is using the most recent version of Events Calendar? Their most current demo has the title above the nav bar. As seen here. Your Enfold demo has a different layout – the nav bar is above title and pagination. This layout change came with the most recent update of TEC.

    I recommend you proof the Enfold styles using a clean wordpress install, the most current Enfold theme, and the most current Events Calendar plugin. The styles are incorrect.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by dhfairbairn.

    Regarding removal of the function, how would you suggest we do this using a child theme?


    Hi dhfairbairn,

    Unfortunately we can’t remove it in functions.php via a child theme, the only process to do it is removing the code I mentioned in:

    Best regards,


    Nikko, chiming in here also. I am running across the same issue reported by dhfairbairn: the Enfold style overrides for The Events Calendar are not working so well with the latest version of the plug-in. If you install the Enfold Church demo on a new WordPress installation with up to date plugins, it looks different compared with version hosted on your demo page.

    Please take a look at these integrations and proof your CSS against a current version of the plug-in. I am having a hard time overriding the styling and achieving the original appearance. Thank you.


    Hi garyvot,

    Can you give us a screenshot on those areas that have issues?
    I have a new wordpress install in my local server, used Enfold 4.5, installed Events Calendar plugin and imported the Enfold Church Demo.
    I think it’s the same, though the content isn’t updated and all events have passed that’s why nothing is showing in the Events Calendar or the Event List.
    As for the single events page, it’s also the same but some content are missing but it can be fixed once you have filled in the content.

    Best regards,


    I applaud Enfold for integrating TheEventsCalendar, but it seems the CSS is a bit lacking compared to other Enfold design. Specially with the Photo View.
    Looking closer at the latest version of Enfold, the function is now

    if( ! current_theme_supports( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar' ) )
    	require_once( 'config-events-calendar/config.php' );			//compatibility with the Events Calendar plugin

    So instead of messing with the parent theme. I just added this to my child them functions.php
    add_theme_support( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar' );

    That now allows me to choose the style under Events->Settings.
    In addition to making my own style sheet changes.

    However, it would be great if there was something in the Theme Options to alter this. Or possibly even edit The Event Calendar styles under the Advanced Styles panel. Lastly, maybe even revisit the CSS for the built in Enfold styles for the calendar.

    Thanks for the great theme!!



    Glad you got it short out!
    Let us know if there is anything else that we could do for you.

    Best regards,

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