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  • #1405768

    i got an older iPad min 3 with iOS 12.5.7
    there are blank areas if images are animated ( like slide-shows, masonries etc. even the new before-after Image is only seen as before image )

    i placed a script to get the iOS Version as class on html – so i can hamper things – but how to avoid any animation for that case?

    function detect_ios_version(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 
    	function iOSversion() {
    		if (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(navigator.platform)) {
    			var v = (navigator.appVersion).match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/);
    			return [parseInt(v[1], 10), parseInt(v[2], 10), parseInt(v[3] || 0, 10)];
    	const ver = (iOSversion() || []);
    	if (ver[0] <= 13) {
    		// alert('This is running iOS '+ver);
    		document.documentElement.className += ' ios-less13 ';
    add_action('wp_head', 'detect_ios_version');
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hey Guenter,

    Can you try to add to body tag class avia-mobile-no-animations:

    let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body');

    Best regards,


    I have already done this in the above script, that I add this class that you show to the body; unfortunately this did not bring any improvement.
    But I have also tested this on Enfold Options.


    it must have something to do with merging js files – if i switch off that merging – the page load all even animated images ( masonries , galleries etc )
    only that new element ( before-after) still does not work

    Edit: with minified js Version the images load !
    Same as above ; the Before-After does not work on iOS less than 13


    Odd, I tested the before-after element with Merging And Compression active on browserstack with iPad Pro 11 v16.0 and the images show:
    I also checked a iPad Mini 2019 v12.2:
    I just noticed that the iPad Mini seems to only show the before image, unfortunately I get enough time to test with the inspector.
    I don’t have an iPad but browserstack says that these are real devices, check my test page linked below with your iPad.

    Best regards,


    This is my observation. The new element only shows the before image.
    Unfortunately, there are no developer tools for such older iOS to inspect the code. I think it might be due to the lack of clip-path support. Also I only have a free account with Browserstack – so also too little time to look at the element reasonably.

    As for the slideshows, galleries and masonry galleries, they work with minified js – but not with merged js.
    It would be interesting to see which js are causing the problem.
    So – you could exclude the usual js from merging via the known snippets times and then put them back one after another.


    Thank you for the feedback, but unfortunately I don’t have a way to test this as I only have a free account with Browserstack.
    I do have an old Mac and when I check in Safari Responsive Design Mode for an iPad it works correctly, but I’m sure this is because it updates often which I assumed was the case with all IOS devices, will your iPad not update?

    Best regards,


    Apple has its own update philosophy ;)
    They don’t offer newer updates for older devices. You have to buy the new devices. Where would that end up if you could run newer versions of iOS on old iPads? They go so far as to build locks into their software ( Ventura OS ) to exclude these devices; so that you can’t even install them manually. With Mac desktop devices, there are probably hacks to get around this lock.

    But you can close that now – i go with my snippet above – and set those new alb elements to display none for devices with less iOS than 13.


    Ok, I didn’t know about the iOS version locks, I mostly use Windows and only bought a secondhand Mac to test with it, it helps some.
    I will close this ask you have asked, thank you for all of your help :)

    Best regards,

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