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  • #691205


    I want to create a Coming Soon Landing page and was wondering if it´s possible to create a landing page with a Optin banner or button?

    I have a E-Mail Provider (Klick-Tipp) and i wanted to connect Klick-Tipp with the Opt-In Button.

    in other words, i would like to use klick-tipp for my newsletter.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by mercee.

    Hey mercee,

    we recommend to work with Mailchimp, but I guess there are lots of plugins with such a function out there :).

    Best regards,


    Would be nice to implement more than just one provider ;)



    That would be an overkill!
    Mailchimp is basicly the one used from users, if someone wants to use something else there are many plugins our there to do the work!

    We do appreciate any feedback!

    Best regards,

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