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  • #247787

    Prior to using the Enfold theme I used Jetpack extensively on my sites. Although I installed Jetpack and activated several of the features to use widgets in sidebars and the footer, none of them are showing up in the widgets area. Is Enfold not compatible?


    Hey Gary!

    Jetpack alone doesn’t have any issues I know of but any of the various extensions to Jetpack could definitely have conflicts. If something isn’t working for you it would be best to find an alternative or see if the plugins support forums has any tips on compatibility with themes.

    Just make sure you aren’t trying to use an extension of Jetpack to duplicate theme functionality since that would definitely not work or be supported. For instance the footer content and sidebars is all handled from the theme.

    Best regards,


    Your site is down?



    Which site do you mean exactly? All sites are working fine on my end.



    I entered a reply to a topic and got the Google “Oops” message. I then tried to reload the page and got the same message.

    My response was asking for a clarification on the issues with Jetpack. I have used this extensively on other sites because if provides a lot of excellent widgets not found in most themes. After I activated a few of the more popular widgets and went to the widget area, not one of them showed up as available. This is a hugely popular plug-in and I can’t imagine it is not compatible with Enfold.



    Do you have extensions as Devin mentioned? As far as i know, there are many other users using jetpack without issues

    Best regards,


    Thanks! I’ll try disabling them all and them activating them one at a time to try to see where any conflicts are.


    No clue why but I had to deactivate Jetpack then reactivate it and now the widgets show up. Go figure.



    Well, glad it is working fine now :)


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