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  • #604582

    I’m using ninjaforms and it’s conditional logic plugin. See the following thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/ninja-forms-conditional-logic-in-enfold/#post-603765

    I was advised to open a new thread in order to reach out to a dev to assist with the situation. Currently conditional logic plugin is disabled, but if enabled, the rules I’ve setup should still be in place.

    The gist is that the conditional reveals and hide actions do not work with this theme for some reason. (My best guess is that it’s due to div classes or something along those lines…) I’ve tried the plugin on other themes and it works fine as expected. But in the onepage site I built using the avia theme builder that enfold leverages the conditional logic doesn’t work and all form fields remain hidden. It should also be noted that when the conditional logic plugin is running, my countdown timer also gets hidden.

    The site is backed up locally on my machine at home in the event anything goes wrong in dev testing. Please let me know if you need any further info.


    Hi xmashiara!

    what is support team of Ninja Forms tellings you about this issue? please contact them and let us know what they are replying.



    Unfortunately, they do not offer support unless the theme is a standard theme. The support page specifically states to (always test with the default WordPress Twenty-X theme before contacting support).

    When testing with wordpress twenty sixteen it works exactly as intended. It appears to conflict with enfold which is why I am posting here. Since NinjaForms support explicitly states that they will not troubleshoot other themes, I don’t think asking for support there would help. :(

    Ok, found the bug! Just don’t know how to fix it! Conditional logic and the countdown timer together are the issue! Take a look with developer options the syntax error is as follows:

    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: .av-countdown-function (e,i){var a=this.slice((i||e)+1||this.length);return this.length=0>e?this.length+e:e,this.push.apply(this,a)} .av-countdown-time

    No idea what this means, hopefully it helps though! I’d love to use the countdown timer, but will go without if that’s what must be done.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by xmashiara. Reason: javascript syntax error


    Thank you for the info. Please check our last post on the previous thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/ninja-forms-conditional-logic-in-enfold/#post-603765

    We didn’t ask you to re-open a thread here but seek for additional help on the plugin’s forum. How can we reproduce the issue? Could you please provide a step by step instruction or setup a test page? Right now, we have no idea what to look for.

    Best regards,


    Whoops! I totally misread that last comment on the previous thread. I’m sorry for double posting. If you would like to close the previous thread feel free to do so. (I’d close it myself, but I’m not really sure how.)

    As for a sample page, I’m happy to set one up or you can take a look at the current setup. I’ve backed it up so I can restore it easily if need be.

    Step by step instructions would simply be to create a page with enfold. Use the page builder and add a section with a countdown timer. Then install ninja forms and the ninja forms Conditional logic plugin, activate both. Create a new form in ninja forms and add conditions that hide form parts unless a question is answered in a specific way. Save the form and enter the forms shortcode on the same page as the countdown timer. Publish the page.

    End result appears to be that the hidden section of the form remains hidden even if you answer the question that should reveal it. The countdown timer is also hidden. While inspecting that page, you should find the JavaScript error like the one mentioned above.

    I’ll create a test page that includes the fewest form and page elements as possible to use as an example tomorrow and update this post with the link and login creds.

    UPDATED, testpage info in the private content.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by xmashiara. Reason: Setup test page for debugging


    I have contacted the Ninja Form support, through slack, I will update the topic when they reply back to us, regarding the issue.
    It is a JS conflict, which we have to either try solve with them, or if it takes time, for you to use a different plugin



    Hi guys,

    I wondered if you had resolved the JS conflict between Enfold and Ninja Forms? I’m having an issue with the conditional logic not remembering the rules I specify which is causing the form to function incorrectly. Not ideal when I’ve already purchased the plugin with no chance of a refund.

    Please can you advise asap?





    : Could you please provide a link to the page with the issue? Or re-create a test page so that we can inspect it. I checked the previous test page but it doesn’t exist anymore. I will also ask @basilis if he got a response from the plugin authors.


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