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  • #1397617

    There is the area that is above the header and the top menu. How do I specify the color for this. I’ve seen other site do it and it looks great. On iphone, this area would be where it shows the time, battery and signal strength. See example URL and how it is red.
    Let me know. Thanks!


    Hey bemodesign,

    I can’t see anything like that on my end when checking mobile emulation in Chrome. Is this iphone specific maybe? If you could post a screenshot highlighting the problem, then that would help.

    Best regards,


    I attached a screenshot of the top area I am talking about. It is actually different color on my websites I have, but don’t know now I did it. Any idea?



    Thanks for the screenshot. I’m not sure where that colour is coming from, does it change when you visit other sites? You could try to change different background colour in the theme options to see if anything changes.

    Best regards,


    I was going to try that but didn’t want to mess up my website. Plus I want that to be a different color than the header. Different sites have different colors. Just wondering if you knew how.



    I would guess that it’s picking up either the html or body tag background, but I can’t say that for sure unfortunately. We can’t inspect the element either, since it seems to be iphone model specific? Did you try searching for something like “your phone model+browser+top bar color“?

    Best regards,


    To revisit this, I’ve seen it change on other websites. I tried to change all the color in the General Setting Logo Area, but nothing changes the very top. Any ideas?

    I need something like this: <meta name=”theme-color” content=”#39ff14″/>

    And here is an example of a website that has a different theme, but has the top bar that is red:

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by bemodesign.


    It’s likely the html or body tag colour which is used, you can try something like this in Quick CSS:

    html, body {
      background-color: red !important;

    Best regards,


    yes! thanks



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,



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