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  • #1367324


    I am using polylang in combination with your Enfold theme. Everything works fine. However, the mobile menu is a bit annoying. There are some things doubled which I dont want to be.
    1. If I click on the menu “Projekte” it immediately scrolls down to the # which set. I have set the correct settings. So this should not happen. (This has nothing to do with Polylang of course)

    2. The polylang language switcher does work great, but is there a way to only show the other possible languages without the selected one?

    Best regards


    Hey dr_dominik,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We got an error when we visited the site. Are you currently editing the site? Please provide the login details in the private field so that we can access the dashboard.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, the site crashed because of another problem, but it’s available now.



    Thank you for the update.

    The site is up now. To remove the duplicated menu item or to hide the current language, please add this css code.

    .current-lang.current_page_item {
        display: none;

    You may need to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings.




    Yeah this code fixed the 2nd problem I described. So the language is not double anymore.

    However, is there a way to fix the 1st problem I described about the mobile menu? As you see I set “Display submenu items on click”, but it doesnt work right.

    Best regards



    Sorry for the delay. There is a critical error when we checked the site again today. Are you editing the site? Please let us know once the site is up again.

    Best regards,


    The site should be online now.



    The mobile menu closes because the Projekte menu item contains an anchor. Is it possible to remove the anchor from the menu item or create a separate menu item for it?

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Well, actually not really. So there is no way to make this work with an anchor?

    I am not sure right now, but is it possible to create a custom mobile menu, where “Projekte” will be a empty link? This could be a workaroud if it is possible.

    Best regards



    What happens when you enable the Clone Title Menu Items To Submenu option in the Enfold > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu tab?

    I am not sure right now, but is it possible to create a custom mobile menu, where “Projekte” will be a empty link?

    Yes, that should be possible. Just duplicate the Projekte menu item, remove the link or anchor, then enable the CSS Classes from the Screen Options panel. In the desktop version of the menu item, add these custom class names.

    av-medium-hide av-small-hide av-mini-hide

    For the mobile version, add this class name.


    Best regards,



    What happens when you enable the Clone Title Menu Items To Submenu option in the Enfold > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu tab?

    It even doesnt work if I create a clone of the title menus! So it is a bug of the Enfold Theme. Could you please hotfix this in the next update?

    In the meantime I will have to use the css classes, which is kinda annoying, but it works :)

    Best regards



    You may need to modify the themes/enfold/js/avia.js file and look for this code around line 866.

    if( newHash != '' && newHash != '#' && newHash != '#prev' && newHash != '#next' && !'.comment-reply-link, #cancel-comment-reply-link, .no-scroll'))

    Replace it with:

    if( newHash != '' && newHash != '#' && newHash != '#prev' && newHash != '#next' && !'.comment-reply-link, #cancel-comment-reply-link, .no-scroll') && !clicked.parent().is('.av-width-submenu'))

    Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings afterwards. Let us know if this works.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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