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  • #1092946

    Polylang language switcher does not change the language for current Enfold menus. The documentation suggests disabling Ajax. Is this doable generically across a site?


    Hey doubleheadpics,

    Could you post a link to your site so that we can have a closer look at the problem please?

    Best regards,


    Alternate Menu for Mobile, can that be set for different languages using polylang?



    Thank you for contacting us.

    To add a language switcher to your menu please check

    THen you have to create a different menu for every different language.
    Please check the plugin documentation for more info

    Best regards,



    Thank you for contacting us.

    To add a language switcher to your menu please check

    THen you have to create a different menu for every different language.
    Please check the plugin documentation for more info

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay, yes I already know that. It is about the Alternate Menu for Mobile.
    I created for English an alternate menu which can be set in Themeoptions>main menu>Alternate Menu for Mobile.
    That doesn’t work if there are different languages …
    So I’m not using that option anymore because it didn’t work with polylang.
    But I thought I should mention it :)



    Thank you for sharing the details.

    We appreciate your feedback and I have informed our development team about the same. The issue will be fixed in one of the upcoming releases.

    Thank you again for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    We try to stay compatible with many plugins, but it is not possible for all. Polylang is not supported by Enfold.

    But you can use the filter avf_header_setting_filter (enfold\functions-enfold.php line 1105).

    In $header[‘alternate_menu’] there is the ID of your selected menu. Replace the value with your translated menu ID according to your language.

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,
    is there anywhere a more detailed description on how it works with this filter in functions-enfold.php?

    So I find line 1005 and would copy this to my child theme function.php, replacing the value for alternate_menu with the ID of the translated menu right?

    The thing is I didn’t get where to find the ID of my alternate menu and also not where $header[‘alternate_menu’] is located?


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by TanSmi.


    Thank you for using Enfold.

    How to use the filter:

    The ID of a standard WP menu you find in WP Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus -> Edit Menu Tab.

    Select the menu you like.
    At the bottom of “Menu structure” you find “Delete”.

    Move your cursor over this and in the popup for the link you find something like http://localhost/wp_xxx/wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=delete&menu=25&_wpnonce=xxx

    menu=25: 25 is the id of the menu.

    In the filter you will need to check for current language and depending on this you can change the menu id’s.

    Best regards,


    So there is still no possibility to use Polylang? I have bulit the whole site on it and would not like to change anything now.
    I found that you can play with default language “stars” under Languages, but then it loads the correct language but messes up language switcher.
    Is there a fix planned in the nearest future?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Martins.


    The plugin should work fine with the the theme. What exactly are you having trouble with? Did you use the filter that we provided above?


    Best regards,


    No – I have not used the code – to be honest I dont know where to copy it – I dont have a child theme.
    The issue is that for both languages now I have the same menu (in ENG) but there should be different ones for each language. Once I switch on Polylang different default language the menu changes but then for ENG page link under LOGO is wrong and once you hit logo I am getting 404 page.


    It works for me. I am using german, vietnamese for my website


    Hi Học Tiếng Đức,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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