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  • #551301

    Our site displays duplicate posts when using the masonry element only if PAGING is selected. The Load More option does not display duplicate posts. A search on this topic brings up old posts from 2014.

    How can we make the paging work? This just happened after upgrading to the latest version last week.

    Side note – where is the change log located for Enfold (URL please)/


    Hi Julie!

    Your using Enfold 3.4.1. Update to the latest version, 3.4.6, to fix the pagination problems.

    You can see all of the changes in the version.txt file in the theme download from themeforest.



    Hi there. I’ve updated to the most recent version of Enfold: Your current Theme Version Number is 3.4.6
    The masonry paging issue remains. I’ve emptied both server and browser cache and reset permissions. Still paging displays duplicate posts.

    Please provide a solution. I have 10 paid Enfold themes and a lot of pages using this setting.

    Masonry settings:
    Category (one category selected)
    Yes, display sort options
    Post number is 12
    3 Columns
    Display pagination
    Order by Date
    Descending Order
    Flexible Masonry
    Large gap
    Overlay activated
    Display Title and Excerpt
    Always Display

    Settings > General
    I’ve tried setting the number of posts to 12 and also set it to 36. No difference – paging still duplicated posts.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by welswebmaster. Reason: Gave user credentials for staging site

    This is a known issue since the latest WP release – pagination isn’t working.

    An Enfold update is due this week. :)

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