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  • #505394

    Hi there,

    since a view days the layout architctur loads not correct.
    If I navigate to a post > edit post >
    The following screen I see:

    The content of the architecur load and load and load.

    what can I do? to change my site content?

    I have tried several browsers (IE, Chrome, Mozilla) and updatet on your latest theme version….
    Plugins can´t be the problem: I have deactivated them all…

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi MWnow!

    Can you please try re-updating the theme via FTP and overwrite all files – and check if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I did´nt use the “Update through WordPress”
    > I installed the files already via ftp!

    The architect doesn´t load > and I unfortunately need to make urgent content-update on our website.

    (the problem exist before the update to the latest theme version too!!!) :/

    Have you any other idea?



    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ygit,

    here the login!
    Thanks for take a look :)



    I figured out:
    If I try to load/edit a page and then click on the “templates” Button > I can load saved templates…
    Like “footer News” for example.

    then the layout architect loads correct this content
    (unfortunatley not the content, which was before on the page)

    If I then edit the page and save (!) my changes after a “new template” and then update the site

    > the new content is online (the old content is deleted…) :)
    >> with that work around I was able to create a new post today (“Fotoshooting Juhas”)

    But: I need no change existing content on the frontpage/index page :(

    Hope you can help me :)

    Greetings Miriam


    Hi Yigit,

    did you change already something?
    > at the moment I can edit the frontpage :)
    and updatet the content.

    (if you did sth, you maybe let me know what occurs the errror.)

    Greetings Miriam



    No, i have not made any changes. It must be a caching related issue. If issue reoccurs when you activate plugins, you can try de-activating them one by one to find the culprit.



    ah that could be > i have deactivated 2 plugins (and activate them again)
    >> then thank´s for listening :) I am happy, that it was only such a little “problem”.

    Greetings Miriam

    I was happy to early:
    > If you try to edit post´s or another pages
    the layout architectur again load and load :/

    I have only a handfull (needed) plugins activated – does one of them occurs the error?
    Maybe you can check that?

    Greetings Miriam

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by MWnow.


    You are welcome Miriam, glad you figured it out!
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues and have a great weekend!


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