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  • #718425

    About a month ago my client started reporting an issue with Layerslider (which came with Enfold). When she makes ANY changes to a slider and clicks the large blue “Save Changes” button, a javascript alert box appears which states:

    “It seems there is a server issue that prevented LayerSlider from saving your work. Please, try to temporary disable themes/plugins, or contact with your hosting provider. Your HTTP server thrown the following error:
    Not Found”

    Since mod_security is often an issue, I have asked the hosting company to disable it, but this did not change anything. I don’t see any php or scripting errors in the log files, and the above error is the ONLY error I can find.

    I’ve disabled plugins and reinstalled the theme. I’ve done a reinstall of WP, but again nothing changes.

    Any idea what may be causing this or if there is a simple solution to fix it? They are getting quite upset with me.


    did you prove the user permissions of your installation?

    The folder /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia (quick css and others)
    and /wp-content/uploads/layerslder (if you installed preformated Layersliders) and
    /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider (nomen est omen) has to be writeable.
    You can proove that on setting them (including content folder and files) for that moment to 777

    i think particularly the /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/config.php has to have 640 (at least)


    This all worked fine when I initially installed a year ago, however the hosting company DID move to a new server right about the same time this happened.

    I changed permissions for the “Dynamic_avia” folder to 777, but I don’t see a layerslder (layerslider??) folder in the Uploads folder. Do I need to make such a folder??


    have a look again to the post
    /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/ is also important

    the other folder comes from installing slider demo templates – you don’t need to create them

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.

    The whole folder (and subfolders/files) needs to be writable/777?


    Also, when I save one of the sample sliders, it saves correctly with no error.


    try first only to set the rights to the config.php
    if that does not help yes triy that

    if this (777) helps afterwards you can set the folder permissions back to normal 750 and the file permission to 640 and test that.


    changing these permission didn’t help. The sample sliders still save correctly, but not our live slider.


    on my hoster i can declare who is the “chief of a folder ” i can give the ownership of a folder to a wp-user or a ftp-user. Maybe your hoster got this too. (by the way wp is in this case no shortform of wordpress – it is from hosteurope a given shortform)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.

    Not sure. It looks like re-creating the slider is going to be the best fix. I’ve already created a new slider and added a couple slides and it’s saving correctly and working. We only have 5 or 6 slides, so it shouldn’t be that big a deal for the media person to take care of it. This could just be a fluke from when the hosting co. moved to the new server.



    Thanks for the feedback, so recreating the slider worked? Let us know if you should need any further help on the topic. Thanks @guenni007 for helping out :-)

    Best regards,


    I have just purchased and installed the new enfold 2017 a week ago, but now I can’t get advanced layerslider to work. I also purchased a separate layerslider license in 11/2016 and I cant get it to work. All I want is a slider that “fades” rather than slides. If I can get the fullwidth easy slider to fade instead of “slide”, that would be just fine as well.

    I’ve spend 2 days on this issue. Could someone please keep me from losing my mind??? You all are always so great… maybe you can help figure this one out??

    thanks so much…



    Did you try setting the Slideshow Transition in the Fullwidth Easy Slider to Fade?

    Best regards,

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