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  • #595037

    I already appreciate the extensions provided here:

    Could this also be achieved for the “Enfold Latest Portfolio” Widget, to have the same sorting in the sidebar.
    Sure we would need to change the name to “Enfold Sorted Portfolio” Widget as well ;-)
    regards, fri_z


    Hi Fritz!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I’m sorry but this sorting feature cannot be added to the widgets. You have to modify the query of the widgets in the framework > php > class-framework-widgets.php file. Look for the avia_newsbox class.



    HI Ismael, thanks for your reply.
    Any possibilities to change this within the child theme to avoid that the modifications get overwritten?



    you can use this code inside your child (as written there). For changes of your class-framework-widgets.php (inside your child theme) you would need to hire a freelance developer for this job.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Andy.


    I have the same issue with the portfolio order in the wiget area. It seems to be a bit tricky to change that, but till now I made a workaround to sort my portfolio entries by giving them fake entry dates. That works pretty well, except of one issue: The “fake date” is automatically shown in the wiget – “Enfold Child Latest Portfolio” – even in the “show title only” view.

    So here is my question: Can I eliminate the date and time line in the “Enfold Latest Portfolio” widget? If there is a solution for the child theme – I would prefer that of course to prevent update erasing.

    Apart of that – I LOVE enfold. Fantastic work (and support) of you guys!


    Hi @ravall,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,



    you can see the issue on the following website-link in the right widget area below the map. Just having the option to remove the line with date and time would help.




    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    .sidebar {
    display:none !important;

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    fixed it! Exactly what I needed.

    Great support!

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