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  • #1270212


    at the beginning of the new year I am trying to refine the homepage of my blog site a bit. One aspect is that I’d like to display only blog posts in select categories there (this is straightforward and already done), but I also would like to avoid listings of all blog entries which are already displayed in the sections above.

    Is there a CSS code for that?

    Thanks and cheers,


    Hey Magnus,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Please edit your Blog Posts element and under Filter tab choose not to allow duplicate posts in Offset Number – :)

    Best regards,


    Nope, this does not solve the problem, in fact it makes it worse: I now even have triplicates:

    – 5 most current blog posts in slide on top
    – same 5 now also mentioned in the blog posts section below
    – and also liked in the Enfold ‘Latest News’ Widget


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by mbosse99. Reason: edited to solve formatting errors of Kriesi support site


    This is possible, but this will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support. We will have to make the ID of the post items in the Blog Posts element available globally and use the post__not_in parameter in the avia_newsbox query. To do that you will have to modify the avia_newsbox class in the enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php around line 920 and edit the Blog Posts shortcode or element.


    Best regards,

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