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  • #377351

    Hi Kriesi-Team,

    the widget “Enfold latest news” causes an error by checking the website in the Google Chrome:

    Die Größe von Kloster-Maulbronn-Hochzeitsfotografie… wird in HTML oder CSS von 36 x 36 zu 28 x 28 geändert. Durch die Bereitstellung eines skalierten Bildes könnten 571 Byte (40%) eingespart werden.

    Is there a simple way to change the small thumb pictures from 36×36 to 28×28?

    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by joeydrums.

    Hi joeydrums!

    Please go to Appearance > Editor and open Functions.php file and find

    $avia_config['imgSize']['widget'] 			 	= array('width'=>36,  'height'=>36);						// small preview pics eg sidebar news

    and change it as needed and then regenerate thumbnails using this plugin –


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