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  • #983535


    I noticed a strange behavior (since version 4.3 or 4.4).

    In older version Enfold just used a unmodified image from the media library, but now seems to crops it to 845×321.

    This wouldn’t be a problem, but it seems that this cropped image has a much bigger size than the original, and this is a problem for the google pagepeed rating (which rates me considerably down just because of this image):

    original image with 123KB vs. cropped image with 225 kB.

    Strange as well is, that if I click on the featured image actually the original is opening (not the cropped one), I noticed this problem just because of the optimizations hints on Google PageSpeed Insights.

    Here is the blog post where I noticed this problem.

    (General note: I do not use wordpress-plugins for image optimization, I always optimize them with gimp before I upload them.)


    Hey catchbudapest,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The theme sets the highest possible quality for the uploaded image. The filter is in the functions-enfold.php file but you can override it in your child theme.

    * Sets the default image to 100% quality for more beautiful images when used in conjunction with img optimization plugins
    * @since 4.3
    * @added_by Kriesi
    function av_return_100(){ return 80; }
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'av_return_100');
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'av_return_100'); 

    Default return value is 100.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the quick reply!

    I already do the jpg-compression in gimp, usally with jpg-quality 85, and I don’t want any further “modification/compression” done by Enfold.

    Does this mean I have to set the return value to 85, as in the following?

    * Sets the default image to 100% quality for more beautiful images when used in conjunction with img optimization plugins
    * @since 4.3
    * @added_by Kriesi
    function av_return_100(){ return 85; }
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'av_return_100');
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'av_return_100'); 

    Is it also possible to disable a further image compression of the uploaded image completely (as it was before Enfold version 4.3), since the uploaded images are already optimized?



    The theme doesn’t compress the images. It just sets the quality to 100 which is why the compressed image or thumbnail has a larger file size than the source file. The default quality set by WordPress is 80.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael,

    problem solved!
    (I added your piece of code in the functions.php of the child theme, as suggested).

    Thanks for the explanation and support!



    Awesome! Glad we could help!

    Please take a moment to review our theme and show your support
    Don’t forget to bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    : Did you regenerate the thumbnails after adding the above snippet? Try to use the one of the following plugins to regenerate the images with the new default thumbnail quality.


    If you need further assistance, please feel free to open a new thread. We will close this one for now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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