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  • #450433

    Hey Guys.. i just saw this post about translation:
    And I realize that is already a Brazilian Portuguese translation. But how do I enable it ? Cause for me it’s all in English.


    Hey Bruno!

    Did you install your WordPress in Portuguese?

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit..
    yes.. i have now intalled: 4.2.2–pt_BR

    But do you guys have the whole enfold and avia builder already in Portuguese ??

    Cause i’m trasnlating everything manually using Poedit… And i was thinking.. after i have it done.. u could give it to you guys.. cause i’m not just translating, but i’m explaining better in portugues what which element does…

    Or did i installed wrong ?? Cause for me.. avaibuilder, every little explanation.. and in Enfold Setting



    thank you so much for sharing your translations with us. Please have a look to this post for instructions on how to contribute your work to us.



    Hey guys.. here is 100% Brazilian Portuguese to include in next enfold version..



    Thanks a lot for the update, I have notified Kriesi about that! :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Bruno Abreu,

    Could you please provide the translation file again. Informed link is not working.




    It seems like @bruseco has not have any activities on our forum for few months but hopefully he sees this soon :)

    Best regards,



    Well, you would have the translation of this theme for pt_BR? Could you send me?



    : It’s already included in the theme folder. Check the lang directory. Note that the title of the main theme options panel (ex: Theme Options, General Styling etc) cannot be translated. If you need to translate more string, please use the poedit software or install this plugin:

    Best regards,


    Bruno Abreu
    Go up your file again

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by elcamilo.


    I think with the new update the new language files are already included, right?

    Best regards,


    My wordpress is Portuguese and my website is not in Portuguese , then I have to use that site translator .

    But when I update enfold it back to English again .



    Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the theme which is currently 3.6.1. Also, if you are updating the language file, please see –



    My theme is updated, the file within the past / lang . not 100 % translated .

    Even the dates are showing wrong.

    Out instead of “JUNHO” is showing JUNE

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by elcamilo.


    I’m sorry but the portuguese language files are still incomplete. We only rely on other users to create these translations so if you can complete the portuguese translation, it will help a lot. For now, please translate the strings using the plugin then create a copy of the pt_BR.po and file from the lang folder before updating the theme. If you don’t mind, please send us a copy of the language files so that we can include it in the next patch.

    Best regards,

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