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  • #724222

    We have a solution that uses image hotspot, but we are having some problems with the tooltip position. When we have inserted a hotspot, and choose the tooltip position to “Bunnen venstre” (Norweagian for “Bottom left”) the textbox possition on the picture becomes bottom right.
    The problem occures for all “left”, “right”, “top” and “bottom” positions. In the categories “Above” and “Below”, left and right possitions are interchanged. And in the categories “Left” and “Right”, the top and bottom possition is interchanged.

    Are you able to fix this for the next enfold update?
    We are currently running v. 3.4.7


    Hey Netpower,

    Could you try updating to the latest version of the theme (3.8.3) to see if that helps please? If not then please post a link to your site and we’ll have a closer look at it.

    Best regards,


    The problem still remain after updating enfold to the latest version. The tooltip position indicates witch side of the hotspot the tooltip should be (ex right), which is correct. Then it indicates where on the side it should be (ex top, center, bottom), where the corner position is mixed.



    Please look for the nb_No.po file inside the enfold > lang folder then look for the strings “Bottom Right”, “Bottom Left” etc. Let us know if the translations are correct. If the text are not properly translation, install the following plugin.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/

    Best regards,

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