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  • #807574

    Hi See screenshot –
    Learn More button has a nice hover over behaviour… We want to use that in the slider at the top but, the buttons there are static.. Is it possible to have a ‘learn more’ button in the slider with the nice hover over behaviour?


    Hey adminaws123,
    You can enable debug mode to reveal the shortcodes that make up the element in the advanced layout editor.
    Add the following to your functions.php to enable it:

    //set advanced layout editor to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    	return "debug";

    Then you can copy the code that makes that button.
    Please be careful editing the field and its contents because its directly saved in the database and if the data gets corrupted from a mistype or something like that it may not be recoverable.

    Best regards,

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