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  • #553922


    i have the enfold fullwidth slider and all works fine but after all slides are done, the slider disappears. maybe a problem with the height auf the slider?

    you can see the problem here:

    can u help me?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Basilis.

    Hey kopf-und-stift!

    Can you check on your settings, if your slider is looping around and starting from start?



    yes, slider is looping. but also if i dont automatic loop – after manually click through the slider after the last slide the slider disappears. but now i see only the first slide isnt displaying…the second slide is displaying.



    You are currently using a very old version of Enfold. Can you please update the theme to the latest version 3.4.6 firstly –



    okay-updated theme…problem still exists. ???



    I couldn’t see the problem you are describing but please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Rikard.

    i use mac and chrome for browsing. the slider is on the homepage at the bottom:



    The slider is supposed to stop or go back to the first slide. Did you add any modifications in the child theme folder? Please post the login details here so that we can check the dashboard.



    there are no html/php modifications in the child theme. only css. i posted the login already but here it is again.





    Could you please try to overwrite the theme files with a fresh copy from your Themeforest account via FTP to see if that helps?

    Best regards,


    i already did that!

    What happened to this support-forum?! I remember times when i posted a problem and hours later the solution was posted. now after two days the reply is “update the theme”, “deactivate all plugins”, “get a fresh copy”….i posted the problem weeks ago and all i get is the standard answer, that are in every thread…

    sorry for the bad words but enfold was THE theme for me (a made many website with enfold) but with this bad support i have to think about a new theme-solution.



    Hi really sorry for the long wait time.

    The problem is happening because the slider is getting a inline style of height 0 after the last slide id shown. This is very strange why this is happening. I tested this slider on other sites and works fine with the latest version of enfold.

    Possible reasons why it is happening to you.

    It might be another plugin that is causing a conflict with the slider.
    Any Css changes to class names like slider or inner-slider etc? Please let us know.

    Recommended Solution:
    Remove/Delete the slider widget completely.(backup images and captions).
    Disable all plugins.
    Create a new page and add only the slider.
    If it works then enable plugins one by one to find out what is causing this issue.




    i already realized that the the inline height is causing this problem. but why? i tested a little bit – if i deactive the autorotation and all is good.
    this is without autorotation:
    with autorotation (the Problem):



    Yes i noticed it too that it works fine without auto rotation. I think js file which adds new class tot he slider on each click is corrupt or is having a conflict. If you tried all the steps provided i would suggest to wait for the next enfold update and update the theme and check it.



    seriously? wait for the next update is your solution?



    very weird issue. Never seen it before. I tried to login using credentials from here but did not work for me. Can you provide us admin access again please? If we can reproduce the issue on our end, then we will notify Kriesi about it, so he can fix this issue in the next theme update. Thanks so far!


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