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  • #536025

    Hi, Love the theme and love the support, keep it up!
    Is there an full documentation for Enfold CSS?



    Hi Alexander!

    Thanks a lot for your kind words, we do appreciate that!
    We do not have a full list of all the CSS we need, but you can either use Developer tools or a plugin like CSS Hero ( which is compatible with Enfold ), to manage modifications to our theme!

    Thanks a lot for your time and patience!

    Best regards,


    Thanks @Basillis,

    Have been using Chrome build in tool and firebug. Going to try out this CSS Hero :-) Is there any other dev CSS tools you can recommend find the rigth elements?




    We are using builtin developer tools of browsers but as far as i know CSS hero works fine with Enfold :)



    Awesome thank you!


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