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  • #1466296

    Hallo zusammen,

    wir haben unsere Website mit Enfold – Freelancer erstellt.

    Für Mobile-Ansichten haben wir eigene Elemente definiert und die große Bilderansicht ausgeblendet, da diese auf mobilen Geräten nicht funktionieren. Die mobilen Elemente werden dann auf großen Desktop-Bildschirmen ausgeblendet.

    Das funktioniert auf großen Bildschirmen, Smartphones und Tablet Hochformaten auch gut. Allerdings funktioniert das Theme auf dem iPad in Querformaten nicht. In diesem Format, sieht es grausam aus und der Umschaltpunkt auf die “mobile”-Version liegt drunter und kann leider nicht auf dieses Format erhöht werden.

    Wir kommen hier nicht weiter. Können Sie uns helfen und mitteilen, ob und wie es möglich ist, das Theme auf der IPad-Queransicht vernünftig darzustellen oder zumindest den Umschaltpunkt auf die Mobile-Version entsprechend zu erhöhen, so dass auch auf dem Tablet-Quer-Format die Mobile-Ansicht eingeblendet wird und die große Bilderansicht ausgeblendet wird?

    Vielen Dank.


    Hey jr1971,
    Thank you for your patience and the link to your site, when I simulate a iPad in landscape mode (1366 x 1024) it seems to show well, perhaps your iPad is a different size. Please use this tool and tell us what size your screen is: screen resolution
    Also please try adding a screenshot of the error that you see, using an Screenshot service and pasting the image URL in your post so we can better understand what you would like to achieve for this screen size.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    Thank you very much for your feedback. We have tried it on an older iPad Pro in 10.5 (screensresulution: 1112 x 834) and on a current iPad Pro in 13 (2048 x 2732 pixels). The errors are identical in the landscape version. Please find screenshot of the page in the iPad landscape version.

    It would of course be great if the page were also displayed correctly in the iPad landscape version. The page is displayed correctly on a Microsoft Surface in 13 in landscape-Version, for example. The problem seems to be the iPads.

    We have created a separate version of the page for the mobile views. These work on the iPad in the longitudinal version, but not in the landscape version. If the error cannot be rectified on the iPad in the landscape version, it would be good if the switching point to the mobile version could at least be adapted to the iPad landscape version. If this requires programming effort, we would be happy to pay for it.

    I hope this is understandable. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

    Best regards


    Thanks for your screenshots, they look odd, are they from a scrolling screenshot app? Do you see the large white areas on your device?
    I don’t see this on Mac simulating a iPad, so perhaps this is a specific iPad issue.
    I do recall that some iPads are “locked” to a specific Safari version and can not update like the Mac’s can, you said that you can not reproduce this o Windows (Surface)
    The demo that you are using includes “parallax” elements and for a long time Safari had an error that would not show this correctly, but the recently Safari has fixed this. Perhaps this is a clue to your issue?
    Otherwise I can ask other team members to check, but I’m not sure that anyone has a physical iPad, mostly we simulate it in Mac with “Responsive Design Mode”, but I could ask.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I took the page-screenshot with the iPad. The screenshot shows the view on the device correctly, i.e. the large white areas are also displayed on the iPads.

    It can’t be the fault of Safari. The latest updates are installed on the iPads and the display is also the same in the latest Chrome browser. Please check with your team.

    Many thanks and best regards


    I have asked the rest of the team to try to check with a real iPad, Thanks for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    have you tested, is there any news on the iPad problem wirh the theme? Would it be possible to increase the switching point to the mobile version to about 1400px? Then we would at least have the small iPads covered?
    Many thanks and best regards


    Leider kann ich ja nicht Eure Kommunikation im “Private Content” nachvollziehen ( als Participant ) aber wenn ich mir die Demo auf einem iPad ( real device 10.5 ) anschaue, dann sehe ich da keine Aussetzer. Lediglich das Umschalten von fixed auf scroll ist üblich, da wohl Safari schlecht mit background-attachment: fixed umgehen kann.

    Welchen Grund hat es, das Ihr “mobile” Sektionen erstellt? Stimmen dann die Bildausschnitte nicht mehr? …


    Unfortunately I can’t follow your communication in ‘Private Content’ (as a participant), but looking at the demo on an iPad (real device 10.5) I don’t see any dropouts. Only switching from fixed to scrolling is common, as Safari is probably bad at background attachment: fixed.

    Why do you create ‘mobile’ sections? Are the image sections no longer correct? …


    Thank you for checking Guenni007 and your advice, unfortunately I can’t reproduce as I don’t have a real iPad.

    Best regards,

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