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  • #1127938

    Is the option (selection horizontal) away at update? Or was it never there?
    I’trying to at the option feeld Yes / No, where to see the question and than Yes and No

    Also multiple checkboxes, in a group.
    Both I just can not find as option. I can do a multiple select, but than you see a big textbox with the options inside.
    Also just one line 1 checkbox.
    Not sure if I have seen this a year ago.

    Thanks for your time


    Hey Schipperijn,

    Unfortunately no this is not offered from our forms at all

    Best regards,


    It is a pity that this widespread possibility was not thought of. I would also need them because the current implementation of multiple selection has serious shortcomings: If the field labels are placed in the fields itself in order to save space inside the form, there is no way to properly represent the field name before entering the field. Only the number of selected elements is displayed instead of the meaning of the field.This looks pretty ugly.

    Here a checkbox with multiple choice would be helpful!

    Similar desire of this class would be radio buttons!

    Kind regards


    Hi Hermann,

    There are plenty of third party form plugins out there which will likely accommodate your needs.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    at first I tried to use the WordPress Standard plugin Contact Form 7 together with §Innozilla Skins for Contact Form 7″, but the formatting of the Innozilla plugin doesn’t properly work together with the Enfold theme. This is the reason why I use the Enfold Contact Form.
    Best regards,


    Hello Hermann,

    I’m a happy user of Enfold, also mis that function inside Enfold forms.
    For more complex forms I use SmartForms.

    The service is great, same as Enfold, but than just about your form.
    I must say that we use about 20 extra css lines of code. But than its perfect.
    Easy adjust icons at each feeld, complex “if, than” system. You can select multi pages or 1. Error at feelds we set on no message, but with good css, so you see feelds color errors. (error when for example e-mail is not correct).

    It a free plugin for small forms, the pro version is with not much costs.
    It’s very “what you see, you will get”, so also clients can work with it.
    Works perfect with enfold after a few css lines (the grid system for example needs a bit css).



    Thanks for sharing @Schipperijn, it’s much appreciated.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, but I’m not convinced that this is the final solution for me. I tried it, but there another problem arises which is solved better as well in the Enfold theme as in the wordPress standard contact form 7: I want to use the field label as a placeholder. If I do so at mandatory fields in the SmartForms, the asterisk which indicates that it is a mandatory field still remains at the label position. This is not what I want.

    Best regards


    Hello Hermandi,

    Here with this link you can see we hide labels, the text is inside de form feelds. That is with a line of css:


    Hello @Schipperijn,
    at first glance it looks nice, but your css statement
    label, .rednao_label_container {
    display: none !important;
    also hides radio buttons completele because radio buttons and all of their entries are “labels”!

    Best regards


    Hello Hermann,
    With a css line below that one, we make radio buttons labels visible. That was indeed needed.
    For example here:
    You can see that the select options are in 2, for less higher list /scroll. Also with css.


    I think if I write one css statement for every field ID it may work … ;-)
    #rnField2 .rednao_label_container,
    #rnField9 .rednao_label_container,
    #rnField6 .rednao_label_container { display: none !important; }

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