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  • #1115296

    I have issues on 2 new Enfold websites. The Enfold form does not send the messages.

    On one website I activated Recapthca v3 and then the form will not even show the “success” message if you press the send button – it seems like the form just does nothing. When I deactivate recaptcha the form shows the “success” message but no email arrives.

    Both websites are hosted at one.com and I never had issues with sending/receiving emails with Enfold websites at one.com I have +/- 10 Enfolds at one.com

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Yannick77.

    Hey Yannick77,

    Thank you for sharing the details.

    Let us know if the emails go thru when you deactivate captcha from Enfold > Google Services.

    Then activate captcha and deactivate all plugins and try again.

    We will await your test results.

    Best regards,


    Hi the mails arrive when I trurn of reCaptcha -> the issue is the form becomes unresponsive when I turn it on -> I addes recaptcha because of the SPAM they received


    I disabled all plugins and recaptcha still did not work and “froze” the form


    Hi the issue is not resolved yet I tried also with Recaptcha V2 and the form just freezes – nothing happens when you push on “send” button



    Thank you for the update.

    The issue occurs when the Performance > JS Compression option is enabled. Please deactivate the JS compression option for now and use Autoptimize instead.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks that worked!
    Sadly enough this means compromising on speed. Maybe you can integrate Google Recaptcha in the performance settings setup?


    by the way – i use the reCaptcha v3 with CF7 in Enfold – that works even with js compression.
    and i only load those scripts for contact form pages
    by replacing one line in class-grecaptcha.php ( line 271)
    from : $regex = "!\[av_contact!";
    to: $regex = "!\[contact-form-7|\[av_contact!";



    There is going to an improved version of the spam feature in the next update with all the GDPR compatibility and a lot more options, and it is going to be compatible with the performance options. You will be notified when the new patch is available.

    @guenni007: Thank you for the confirmation.

    Best regards,


    @Ismael – thanks that’s great news – will wait a bit with updating all my Enfold’s then :-)

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