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  • #942555

    I need migrate pages of an painter to wordpress and because I am using Enfold for all of my web pages I would like to ask you about your recommendation of this theme or not. There will be a lot of images and pages (at least a part) should be in different languages. I Enfold the right theme? And last question. Because pages are alive on domain http://www.vysusil.eu I have temporary address from our service provider and the SQL and wordpress are installed on following URL http://www.vysusil.eu.uvirt68.active24.cz. As I remember Enfold is authorized for domain… So how to create and test pages under temporary URL ?
    Thank you


    Hey altei,

    I’m not sure if I understand the problem you are having, do you want to import html into a new WordPress installation using Enfold? If so, what is the problem you are having with that?

    You should be able to use the staging site that you linked to.

    Best regards,

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