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  • #943129

    Enfold has already integrated a Facebook Likebox as a widget. Is it possible to modify it to hide the title image?
    At least Facebook offers this option:

    Or do I have to integrate the code from Facebook directly and can’t use the Enfold Facebook Likebox?


    Hey MSchrauf,

    Can you provide a link to the page you have included the widget on?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    No sorry, the webpage is in the maintanace mode. But I think, to anweser this general question, the link to the hidden webpage is not necessary.



    It should be possible to simply hide the title image via css targeting the Facebook widget.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I thanks, it works now.


    Hi MSchrauf,

    Glad that Jordan helped you. :)
    Please feel free to comeback if you need further assistance.
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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