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  • #205798

    Hey there at all,

    Is it possible to achieve, that you can set a fixed height to the EasySlider?
    I want to build a two Column Page. left side (2/3) the EasySlider with a fixed height of 800px. right Side some additional

    i got several Pics in landscape an portrait format mixed. So i want that all pictures are shown completely and not get cropped.


    Hey Maik!

    You could try turning on the custom class field for all elements and then setting a specific height for your custom class.

    Best regards,


    Hey there,

    unfortunately it does not work.
    If i set a custom css and tell the EasySlider to be at max 800 px high, the picture gets cropped. (#top .mbo_slide {max-heigth:800px;})
    It seems, that the CSS set the max heigth not to the content, but to the container…

    i checked the other media Elements an found out, that the fullwidthEasySlider can do exactly what i need.
    There you have an option: Stretch image to fit the slideshow size?
    Is it possible to get this option also in the normal EasySlider? so that i can use the Slider in a 2/3 Row?



    Can you post the link to the page where you are trying this please?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    On the Easy Slider element there is an option to select the image size, “Slideshow Image Size”. This will give you a specific height for all images.

    Best regards,


    Hi, Setting the image size does not work. The height is ignored.



    Setting the “Slideshow image Size” does not work. (at least like i want…

    Image1: height 1600px width 500 px
    image2: heigth 500px width 1600 px

    Slideshow image size = 1500 x 800 max

    -> image1 is scaled up to fit the whole width of the Easyslider Element. so it is to high, to display it without scroling
    -> Iimage2 is scaled down, because it is to large in width.

    So for me it seems, that in the EasySlider element everything is scaled depending on the width of the Slider.
    But i wish to define a maximum hight. so that Image1 get scaled to reach the 800 px max heigth and is then displayed centered in the Slide Element (like it works in the FullscreenSlider)

    Greets Maik



    The image size chooses the image source. The css attached to that slider is what dictates its size.

    So you would need to choose the image size you want and then constrain the slider to the size you want as well.

    Best regards,


    Hey, I’m trying to do something similar, I have a slider with multiple landscape images and one portrait, but the portrait image is full size based on the width of the landscape images. Is there a way to make it fit within the size of the landscape images, centred?

    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by zohar.

    Hi Zohar,

    can you check my Website
    Is it something like that?

    If yes, i did it via the IMAGE options not via the Slideshow options.
    I use the Plugin “Simple Image Sizes” there you have the option to set pictures hight and if they should get cropped or not.

    If you need further information just let me know


    @framelessworld Yes! I don’t understand which IMAGE option you used?
    I’m using the Large option for slideshow image (1030×1030). Should I create a new size with Simple Image Sizes? So, it should be the width 1030 by 772 not cropped? or something like that?


    Hi, I will post some infos… may they help you…

    1st I choose a FULL width Slider. with following settings:
    Slideshow Image Size = Shop single (1600×800)
    ccenter or stretch = Center Image (This one is important, so that portrait picture will not get stretched)

    And the entry in IMAGE SIZE PLUGIN:
    Shop Single
    = max width : 1600
    = max height : 800
    = name : shop_single
    = cropping : No ! important

    Screen 1
    Screen 2

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