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  • #913224


    I have rebuild a site with enfold on
    Works fine there and everything is ok.

    Then I have downloaded all files with FTP to my HDD and safed the SQL with export of phpMyAdmin.

    After that I uploaded the whole Backup on the new server ( and update all SQL tables. wp_options manualy with phpMyAdmin and then every URL with “Better Search and replace”.
    Was not the first time I do that. Have done it with a few other projects in the past.

    Problem is on new Server the enfold Theme dont work properly:
    1.) On “enfold” where I can chose options (General layout etc) the sidebar is not loading and I´m not able to go in the options. Only see the first side
    2.) The Sliders are not showed in the Frontend. There is only a white Space where it should be. The rest looks good. Layout, Text, Videos…everything is there.
    3.) If I go to the Slider (Layer Slider WP) I can see in the List every slider. If I go into one, I cant click any button. Everything just dead.

    I already:
    – Try to re-upload everything (2 times)
    – Try to download everything again and upload again (1 times)
    – Search in the database for false url. Nothing found (multiple times)
    – Taking my head on the table, nothing diffrent (multiple times…hurts badly)

    Hope you can help me.


    Hey Brixton4G63T,
    Your slider image is getting a 404 for the address in the Private Content area.
    Please ensure your image is at that address via FTP.
    I have tried to access it directly and also get a 404.

    I know you said you have done this a few times, but how about trying all-in-one-wp-migration plugin to copy you old site to the new one?
    All-in-One WP Migration tutorial
    It might solve all your issues in 10 minutes.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply. There are many questionmarks for me now.

    The 404 you get is from the main URL where the side should be, but at the moment not is and never was. There is actually the old side with and its normal that the image is not there.(1)

    If I look in the folder everything is copied 1:1 between both servers. But I will try the Plugin later when I´m back at office.

    I´ve made you a Backend Login, so you can look why the enfold options are corrupt. (2)


    The url for the slide is in your old site, which was copied to your new site. So while the domain was changed the path stayed the same, which is what you would want, only the file is not showing at the right path.
    In your back end you have 108 errors when trying to edit a page, most look like js errors from plugins.
    I believe you will have better luck with the migration plugin.

    Best regards,


    The Plugin in free version only can handle files up to 512 MB. My file is >600 MB…thats annoying. -.-
    99 $ for a one-time-problem. Yeah…. :(


    I have used the plugin. Still same issues….


    Update: Slider issue fixed with switching from php 7.1 to 7.0

    Buuuut the Backend is still broken


    Update: I´ve tried to download enfold from themeforrest again and uploaded it complete fresh into the Server B side. Still same problem. Hope you have any idea why it dont work.
    And I deactivated all plugins just for test. Still same problem, even with no plugin active.

    And I´ve controlled the server configs 2 times and compare it with the configs from server A. They are identical. Error Log is complete empty. I dont know anymore. :( Hope you can find a issue. If you need any more logins, pls tell me. I will give you.


    I see you are getting JS errors with “wp-mediaelement” this is discussed here at WordPress. Which talks about JavaScript errors in a language with a locale code such as de_DE-formal. While at the end it says this bug is fixe, I would be curious what language you are using and if changing it has an effect on the errors.
    Can you please include a admin login for both sites in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    I have solved the problem. I took a clean folder on FTP and install a complete stock version of WP on it and only install All-In-One-WP-Migration.

    Then I take in the Backup File from All-In-One-WP-Migration in it. Looks good now. Must test all functions, but the issues I found before are solved.

    Maybe it was not enfold fault, maybe there was something wrong in the WP files. Dont know why it wasn´t solved after I reuploaded the files times before, but it works now and I´m happy.

    Thank you for your time.


    That is great news, we will leave this open should you have more questions on this. Please let us know after your testing if we can close this.

    Best regards,


    Everything is checked now and it works good. Can be closed, ty.



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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