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  • #953023


    I’ve been trying to import the demo pages for Elegant Portfolio for a while now, and I’ve done all the recommended things.
    -increase max upload time
    -increase php upload size

    Not sure what else to do, but I can’t get the demo pages to install. Any help?


    Hey IraLeeNesbitt,

    I tried to import it and your server resources are really low.
    You do need to increase to fix that.

    Best regards,


    I went ahead and increased size to 64M on post size and 64M on max upload size as well.

    I can increase it further I think if needed?


    I was unable to login, has the login changed, or are you restricting by IP?
    Can I ask which webhost are you using?

    Best regards,



    I removed the access for now. Due to limited amount of time and deadlines I began to just attempt to install any demo pages that would work at all. The basic demo pages worked so I have moved on and just been working within those instead of Elegant Portfolio.

    My webhost is HomepageUniverse. I have been working with their backend support team for a day or so and they tried every single thing they could think of other than manually installing it themselves. (unblocking ip addresses, whitelisting, disabling mod_sec etc.)

    It would be nice to figure out what is going on with certain one-click imports though, because for future customers I planned to reccommend using your Enfold theme as well… and my luck would have them picking Elegant Portfolio also. :(


    I will try to see if there is anything different about that demo vs the others, thanks for the feedback.

    Best regards,

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