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  • #573987

    hi , the enfold demo page is downloadable.
    but not all features shown are coming up.
    that is why my question is: which option did you use here to show the pics?

    (on your demo site its page: Home/Portfolio/Portfolio 3 Column/ Single Portfolio: 2/3 Gallery)


    Hey jelle!

    I am sorry but I could not understand the actual issue. Can you please let me know if what you mean is that you loaded the demo content and that particular page, did not loaded?



    well, its by far not as elaborated as your demo enfold site.
    an example:

    left is what i can see going to menuitem Portfilio on the demo site

    right are the options what i get when i enfold – enfold basic options – importing the demo files



    As i understand the demo get’s imported but when you check for the demo pages they are missing int he menu?

    Please check in
    Admin > Pages > all
    Admin > Posts > all

    Use a wordpress “reset database” plugin to wipe all old demo from your site (Warning this plugin can delete all data on the site) Once you have re-set the database please re-import the demo again.



    hi vinay
    ive just did a Brand New wp installation again.
    after that i immediately activated the Demo page…
    but the result is the same:
    this looks only good now after i went to: menus – manage locations
    and selected Main Menu for Enfold Headmenu

    but if you go to the Portolio page its still no good. ok, all menu items show now,
    but its still a looks weird to me.
    looks like css is not loaded correctly
    all pages are there, in the backend, all menu items are there, in the backend
    but the front end result is still a bit weird to me. compare ‘your’ porfolio page to mine where is all the images? content not loading?
    seems like the css is all scrambled up?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by yampieters.

    wait, its slightly better now…one has to activate the categories himself obviously.
    is it so the images in it you have to upload to these categroies as well?

    and also to for example the Gallery slider?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by yampieters.


    It’s not clear from your last post if the portfolio issue is resolved. If there is any issue please let us know.

    When you import the demos only some demos get all the images and some of the demos get a few images and the rest you need to upload your own. You can find out which demos include all the images by going to Enfold > Demo Imports and next to each import there is more info.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,


    hi vinay
    ok, but if youll go to:

    there should be, according to what you are saying, some demo pics below “Recent Work”
    (Which i have changed to FINOVEN)…shouldnt there?

    but there are not.

    can i import them?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by yampieters.


    As I understand you like to add according to your front page sure you can add one from Advance Layout Builder please see screenshot below

    Also check out Once you enable debug mode you can easily copy paste the short codes from demo pages to your own pages.



    i think we dont might misunderstand each other.
    i just dont see the demo pics back in my own site after i have activated the Enfold demo.
    (this has nothing to do wit Accordeon (according to means: “it is your opinion”) )

    these pics are shown on:

    but not on my site




    Sorry about the misunderstanding… When you import the demo not all demos comes with all the images. You have to add your own images to portfolio or some pages depending on the demo please see below screenshot

    Best regards,

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