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  • #1465020

    Enfold: Dark Photography Theme, V 6.0.3

    Can’t delete and add new type to TEXT BLOCK.

    On Gallery pages, (In the Avia Layout Builder) ((Belgium, Java etc) Inside the 3rd “color” section there is a row of Blocks. This type can not be edited and it is a glitch. It appears that the type is white inside the editor and will not be deleted so that you can paste text in to replace what is there.
    It is labeled “Text Block”.
    It is the text block just above the line “Recent projects that may Interest you”

    Also in the same area under the “Responsive” tab, the block style icons hang “over” the multiple choice radio box choices. Needs fixing as we can not see the top line choice.

    Please advise asap.


    Hey sparkyj,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Where can we check the issue? Please provide a screenshot or create a test page and post the login details in the private field so that we can check it.

    Best regards,


    Hi, thank for getting back to me.
    I like this theme. Just hitting some minor snags.
    For some crazy reason I got on of the portfolio pages to work AFTER I imported some pictures and after turning off Advanced Layout Editor, saving and turning back on.

    OK, here’s the fix. You gotta switch back to the default editor, delete the text type, save then switch back to the Advanced Layout Editor.

    Maybe its php or mysql related? my site hosting ipage,com is not up to speed with the more recent PHP and mySQLs.
    Currently running PHP .7.3.5 on the Local App.
    And MySQL 5.7.28 and Apache.



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure what could be the problem unfortunately, we would have to actually see it to investigate further. You PHP version is a bit old, so you might want to consider updating that.

    Best regards,


    PHP old, yes. I digress…….

    Are you at least able to duplicate this on your end?
    I managed to create a folder of screenshots. See what you think. Does this help?

    see private link



    Thanks for that. We are not able to reproduce this, so it’s likely a problem with your actual installation. Did you try to temporarily deactivate all plugins to see what happens then? If you have added any html markup in your content, then also make sure that the tags are closed properly.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, I am sorry to waste your time on this. It seems to have cleared up with a switching of a color/font setting somewhere or perhaps a resstart of the Safari browser in Ventura 13.6.9. So tell people to restart or fiddle with some H tag fonts if this comes up again. Cheers.


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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