Hi Guys,
I need help with a messed up CSS in the translation page (Arabic) of my woocommerce website.
Please have a look:
Desktop view: https://prnt.sc/rx6dzx
Mobile view: https://prnt.sc/rx6eqq
Thank you,
Hey rakista80,
Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the login details and screenshots. Could you please link to an example page as well please? I can’t find a product which show the problem in your screenshots.
Best regards,
Hello Rikard,
Please check this url: https://baitouti.com/ar/product/stylist-lingerie/
Thanks for that, you can fix the colours with this:
.tawcvs-swatches .swatch-color {
float: left;
The sizes looks a bit more difficult though since the L button has different markup compared to the others. The letter L is not inside of a span tag, but the others are. How does it look on a none translated/none arab language page?
Best regards,