April 4, 2017 at 8:59 pm #771967
we produced a shortcode in our function with the enfold contact form. You can see it in the private content and the link to the site.
We have no functions in the contact form…. it is a custom plugin.
Do you have an idea to use the enfold contact form in the overlay from the custom plugin.
BiggyApril 4, 2017 at 9:30 pm #772003Hey Biggy!
What is the shortcode you created, can we see it?
Best regards,
BasilisApril 5, 2017 at 8:30 am #772305Hi
Here is the shortcode.
Biggyfunction theme_avia_busanfrageDE(){
return ‘[av_contact email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " title="Senden Sie uns eine Anfrage per E-Mail" button="Anfrage senden" on_send="" sent="Ihre Nachricht wurde versendet!" link="manually,http://" subject="Anfrage Busvermietung" autorespond="" captcha="" form_align="" color="" admin_preview_bg=""]
[av_contact_field label="Abfahrtsort" type="text" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Reiseziel" type="text" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Anzahl Personen" type="text" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Hinfahrt Datum" type="datepicker" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_half"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Hinfahrt Uhrzeit" type="text" options="" check="" width="element_half"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Rückfahrt Datum" type="datepicker" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_half"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Rückfahrt Uhrzeit" type="text" options="" check="" width="element_half"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Vorname" type="text" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Nachname" type="text" options="" check="is_empty" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="E-Mail Adresse" type="text" options="" check="is_email" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Firma / Schule / Verein / Privat" type="text" options="" check="" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Telefon (Optional)" type="text" options="" check="" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Nachricht zur Anfrage" type="textarea" options="" check="" width="element_third"][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label="Mit Absenden des Formulars bin ich mit der Erhebung und Verwendung meiner personenbezogenen Daten einverstanden. Diese Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden. *" type="checkbox" options="" check="is_empty" width=""][/av_contact_field]
add_shortcode(‘busanfrageDE’, ‘theme_avia_busanfrageDE’);- This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Biggy.
April 10, 2017 at 4:33 am #775231Hi,
Please post the function on pastebin.com. Could you please provide a screenshot of what you’re trying to accomplish?
Best regards,
IsmaelApril 10, 2017 at 11:05 am #775373Hi Ismael,
our problem is not the shortcode.
The problem is the shortcode in a overlay. The shortcode contains the avia contact form.
But the avia contact form is without any function. The reason is the overlay with a foreign plugin.But meanwhile we have a solution with contact form 7.
Thanks for your help. You can close the topic.
BiggyApril 11, 2017 at 3:22 am #775756Hi!
I still don’t know what the “overlay” is but I’m glad that you found a workaround. :)
IsmaelApril 11, 2017 at 9:55 am #775900Hi Ismael,
you can see it in the Link in the private content.
Click on “Anfrage” in the middle top of the site.
This is our test website.
In this example we have included the enfold contact form…It is a popping content.
BiggyApril 11, 2017 at 10:24 am #775918Hi,
Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)
Best regards,
John TorvikApril 13, 2017 at 10:50 am #777168Hi John,
thanks for your help. You can close the topic.
Biggy -
- The topic ‘Enfold contact form as shortcode in a extern content’ is closed to new replies.