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  • #883555

    I use Enfold for many clients, but this is the first time using the Construction Demo.

    Usually I edit the Copyright to:
    © Copyright – Diamond Built LLC Website: JP Global Marketing, Inc.[nolink]

    and it works without issue, but in this template, it remains the WordPress text.
    Diamond Built LLC is proudly powered by WordPress

    Is there a work-around to fix this?


    Hey JPGlobal,

    Please see private for what I’m seeing on the site you linked to first. The other site in private is not loading at all.

    Best regards,


    Yes, sorry, I had a typo. See corrected info below



    Thanks for that, I can see the same thing on my end, though it’s not coming from our theme so something must be overriding it. Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing that to display please?

    Best regards,


    Hello again,

    Just now getting time to address this issue again. I deactivated each plugin one at a time until all were disabled. That did not allow me the opportunity to fix the footer problem.

    So I went into the Enfold editor to find the footer.php file. It does not exist. I opened another client file using Enfold and verified that the footer.php in fact exists in that version of the template and it was there.

    How can I add the footer.php file into this template version so that the default text does not say “powered by WordPress”?



    Have you referred to the following for editing the footer?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    If you read the posts above from the start, you will see that I do this on multiple websites using Enfold and am quite versed in how it is done. The problem appears to stem from the Construction themed Enfold template.


    Strange, I have just installed a new version of Enfold and imported the Construction Demo, and tried
    © Copyright – Diamond Built LLC Website: JP Global Marketing, Inc.[nolink]
    in the copyright field and it is working, and I can find the footer.php in the editor.
    Please try adding the footer.php in the Private Content area to your child theme, or try overwriting your files with a clean install via ftp.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike.
    I did as you recommended, uploaded the footer.php via FTP and all is right in the world.
    Thanks again,



    I’m glad Mike was able to help you. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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