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  • #1205431

    Hallo Kriesi-Team. Ich habe für ein Kirchenprojekt das Demo “Enfold Church” verwendet und anstelle der schönen Bilder der Demoversion (unterhalb des Menüs) soll es lediglich ein grüner Hintergrund werden, in welchem der Name der jeweiligen Seite steht.

    In der Desktopversion wird alles einwandfrei angezeigt, in der mobilen Version am Tablet schneidet es mir aber die Ecken ab und rückt den Text unterhalb des grünen Bereichs. Wie kann ich das beheben? Ich hab mal versucht, es mit Bildern deutlich zu machen. Hoffe, man kann es erkennen…


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Edewoolf.

    Hey Christian,

    Thanks for the screenshot, could you post a link to where we can see the elements in question as well please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I was able to fix the problem today on a single page by loading data from the original Enfold Church demo as a template and adjusting it again. Now it works exactly on this side on the tablet as well – on the other side, unfortunately, the green background is still superimposed.

    Unfortunately I have not yet received approval from the customer to activate the website because some content and the legal part are still missing and she is afraid of a warning. Is there any other way that you can have a look?
    Maybe access to the backend with editor rights, if this is ok for you?



    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the update. Editor access should be enough since we likely only need to see the front end, please post the details in private.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard. The connection is no longer necessary. I have already loaded the demo version as a template in all the individual pages and have adjusted all the pages because the project is hurried. Thanks anyway for the quick help and best regards, Chris


    Hi Edewoolf,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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