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  • #938243

    Hello everyone,

    Again I have a situation and I could use some help!
    Some data that might be helpful
    –> WP version: 4.9.5 Enfold child theme (latest Enfold them purchased couple of days ago)

    When I install the plugin Request for a Quote form YITH (PRO paid version with license) the button that should be there is just missing.
    Has anybody have had a similar issue with enfold?

    Thank you in advance.




    Hello again
    A small update:

    From the YITH team the informed me that the AVIA editor is creating this malfunction
    and this is true, if I use the Default editor the Request for a Quote button will appear.

    Please could I have some help for this?
    Is there any alteration I can brign to AVIA and include this button?

    Thank you in advance,





    If you need help with something, then it might be a good idea to include a link to where we can see the problem?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    I am sorry, you are absolutely right.
    And now I see that my issue is getting more complicated.
    The request for a quote button is shown when it is not built with AVIA but only on Firefox.
    If you have any idea share! Thank you very much in advance.
    Nice day,




    No I am sorry, It was my fault.

    It still shows nowhere in no browser.

    I could not detect that it was still in the preview page where it shows perfectly well but
    from another browser that is not opened as a preview page is shows nothing.

    Issue grows!


    I found that for the plugin “request a quote” on it’s setting page, it was set to only show to logged-in users, I changed to guest & logged-in, and now it shows on the standard product pages (Without-avia-editor)
    I also found that the plugin hooks to the cart form, so when you use the avia-editor to build your shop page you will not have the option to add the “request a quote” button because the avia-editor cart button doesn’t include all of the hooks.
    Please note the message at the top: “Please note that the Advanced Layout Builder for products will not work with all WooCommerce Extensions”
    So you will need to use the standard product page to use this plugin.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    Thank you very much for your great help.
    Every single time something does not work, I have to admit that all from your team are super supportive
    and you always come up with a solution.

    Again, many thanks for this.
    I am going to create some products now (without AVIA) and test them again myself.
    I will come back tomorrow with a confirmation regarding the closing of this ticket.

    Have a great week.


    Thank you, we look forward to the results of your tests.
    Have a great day :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike

    Testing yields to positive results so far.
    Should stay like this.
    Ticket/issued solved and closed!
    Thank you very much for your help.




    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.
    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    and the video tutorials here
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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