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  • #517435


    I have TWO issues with the enfold editor.

    1) While entering/creating a page, blog etc. the enfold layout builder is just loading and loading and loading….
    The only work around is to click “default editor” and then click “Enfold layout builder”. After this is done, the enfold layout builder works fine. But what do I need to do to let the enfold layout builder work right away?

    2) The fonts and sizes of the text composer in the enfold visual layout builder doesn’t match the outcome.
    The font in the composer looks like Cambria but the outcome is set to be Open Sans.
    The same goes with font spacing, margins etc. so I can never tell from the composer what the outcome will be, I have to visit the page after every single update and it anoys the crap out of me!

    Please advise! :)



    Hi Jimmy!

    Please firstly make sure that you are using the latest version of Enfold which is currently 3.3.2 –
    If you are, please try flushing browser cache and refreshing your page a few times –
    If that too does not help, please try de-activating all active plugins



    Hey Yigit,

    I just update like 2 days ago. It’s been like this since we purchased the page incl. the theme from our previous webdesigner (1½ year ago)
    We now run it by our self, I just purchased a license myself, but the problem is still there.

    I run version 3.3.2 and everything is flushed.
    I’ve also reinstalled a new version of enfold, naming the old theme one to enfold2 (the old designer edited the original files…).
    Is there any plugin known plugin that could create this error?



    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately so we can look into it?
    Unfortunately, we do not have such “plugins that do not play nicely with Enfold” list :)

    Edit: Do you mind if we de-activate plugins for testing purposes?
    Also, please remove the old theme from your installation. There should be only 1 Enfold installed


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Yigit.



    Just deleted the old enfold-theme (enfold2) and yes, u may deactivate plugins as you go.. :)



    I checked your OM OSS page and the builder is loading more or less instantly on my end, maybe you need to empty your browser cache to see if that helps? I checked the font on the backend as well and it’s indeed Open Sans, not all styles will be applied to the backend though so some things may appear a bit different there compared to the frontend.



    Hi again, sorry for a late reply.

    That page “OM-OSS” (meaning “about us” in swedish) only contains a header some text and one picure
    ( a part from the menu and footer). What’s loading?

    When it comes to the CSS-files and Open Sans font, it should be used everywhere but I’ll take a look at the files. wants me to combine the CSS-files (22 files) into (1) one css-file instead to speed up the page (which i think is WAY TO SLOW). Do I need to re-do the theme files then? also reflex over the a lot of different javascript files that also should be combined into fewer ones.??

    Anything else u see that makes our page load so slow.



    I’m not sure what is supposed to load on the About Us page, is there something not loading? It seemed alright on my end when I had a look at it. If you are looking to minify resources I suggest you have a look at a plugin like BWP Minify:


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