How can I remove the text “Auto Draft” from my breadcrumbs? It appears whenever viewing post archives.
e.g. I get: Home / News / Auto Draft / 2013 / September
when viewing the September 2013 new post archives.
Hello Pictori!
Please create me an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. I’ll look into it.
I’m not sure what causes the issue but something adds a page (called “auto draft”) to the database. I tried to delete the page but then it shows up in the breadcrumb again. I now solved the issue with a small function which removes the “Auto Draft” link from the breadcrumb. I added the code to the child theme functions.php.
function avia_fix_breadcrumb_trail($trail)
foreach($trail as $key => $data)
if(strpos($data, 'Auto Draft') !== false) unset($trail[$key]);
return $trail;
Thanks Peter, that’s great!
Loving the support given by Kreisi themes! Can’t possibly buy any other now!
Thanks again,