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  • #848543


    I have big problems.
    On some pages and only on some (strange) page, I have problems with my layout builder that does not take into account my changes. It is therefore impossible for me to modify certain elements and to build my site.

    I have disabled all my extentions, my pluggins, made the update …
    I do not understand

    I bought the theme enfold. Can this be a theme bug?


    Hey fclayssen,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look? Can you specify the page that you’re having issues with?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks you for yout help



    Thanks for the login details. Though I’m not sure how to reproduce the problem, I added a text block at the bottom of your content and that seems to have worked as it’s supposed to. Maybe I’m missing something?

    Best regards,


    Hello there

    I am experiencing the problem that my friend has lived animated content and layerslider content on the site is not working. I checked all the updates.

    Import: ‘Coming Soon’ Demo I downloaded and used it yesterday everything went normal today.

    I hope you can help my english very badly …


    Hi ilnerocenter,

    I would be great if you could start your own topic so that we can help you out there instead.

    Best regards,


    Hi richard,

    Could we make a video conference, so I show you with my screen my problem.

    I still have the problem and can not fix it …

    otherwise try to change the page, at the bottom to…..


    Hi fclayssen,

    You can record a short screencast showing your issue and upload it to Dropbox or some other service like that. We have users that have done that.
    I was able to edit the page, the changes saved. Can you write the exact steps to reproduce the issue please?

    Best regards,


    Yes sure,

    Go to connect to the web site.
    Go to “solution informatique” on the landing page then go the “Sisteos” then Edit the page.

    Try to change existing blocs like ” document unique” and to uplade.

    I attach a video of my problem

    How i have to do to send you this video?


    May i have an email adress, i took a video for you ?


    It’s ok, go to my drive, and into wordpress bug

    Thanks for you help, i really hope, you will find what is the pb, i’m totally blocked


    Hi fclayssen,

    The link to a video is broken. But I did reproduce the error that you’re getting. You might want to consider updating the theme and then get back to us, flushing the caches and getting back to us.

    Best regards,


    I have already made all and it doesn’t work.

    So, what is the problem ? it is a corporate website and this is bad for our business.


    Hi fclayssen,

    As of now Enfold is 4.1.2 and I see that you have 4.0.7.

    Best regards,


    I do it but it doesn’t want, can you try to do it for me ?

    I already try this but i’m still with the last version, i don’t understand what’s wrong with this ….


    i sent u an unblocked link to see the problems:
    bug sites: not changes are updated
    no updates: impossible to update wordpress



    We were able to edit the page “SISTEOS”. We added a text block at the very bottom. Please update the theme via FTP.


    Best regards,


    Thanks ismael for your help.

    The problem is not to add blocks, is to changes them. Like, try to change”document unique” , in Sisteos, write something.
    You will see the problem.

    My developper will update the theme throught the code source. But i don’t understand all the update are ok…..


    Hi fclayssen,

    Please let us know when the theme is updated and we can check.

    Best regards,


    How have to do, to update the theme Victoria ?



    I was able to reproduce the error.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘match’ of undefined
    at $.AviaBuilder.updateInnerTextarea (avia-builder.js:753)
    at $.AviaBuilder.updateInnerTextarea (

    This is the same error reported on the following threads:


    The users’ sites were using an old version of the theme and none of them replied back so maybe the update fix it. Please update from version 4.0.7 to 4.1.2.

    Best regards,


    ismael, where may i have the step to update the theme please ?


    Sorry very bad english….

    Please can you give me the steps to update the enfold theme ….



    Please refer to this:

    Best regards,


    When i update the theme automatically, it told me that is ok, i have the last version…..



    Can you check if the version of Enfold is 4.1.2? if not please refer to the link Rikard gave and update it manually via ftp.

    Best regards,


    Hello Team Kriesi,

    I have updated the theme by FTP as you requested.
    We are now on Version : 4.1.2 with Avia Template Builder 0.9.5
    I enabled debug, I get a lot of “PHP Warning: Illegal string offset” in shortcode-template.class.php on line 640
    Can you help me ?

    Thx a lot



    The warnings are not critical or fatal and they should not break anything. Is the builder working properly now?

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael,

    The problem is still here, i can modify my page.

    I did everything you tell me and the problem is still here.

    So now, please do something to resolve it. Enfold is the only problem’s theme i found!
    Is the Corporate website.

    These problems, prevents us from continuing our pages and delays us considerably in our projects and our webmarketing plan. It because of a this theme), we do not have time to redo a site with another theme, thus I leave you the hand on the site, and waits that you resolve it. I’ve not time

    Thanks you very much

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